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Image by Cathy VanHeest


Denver Pollinator / Native Plant SWAP & GIVEAWAY

The People and Pollinators Action Network, EarthLinks, Front Range Wild Ones, and the Metro Denver Chapter of the Colorado Native Plant Society are partner together to bring Colorado gardeners Pollinator/Native Plant SWAP & GIVEAWAYS.

Learn more about our upcoming Native Plant & Seed Swaps »

Past event:

Pollinator/Native Plant SWAP & GIVEAWAY

Sunday, June 12, 2022 9:00am to 1:00pm Location: EarthLinks - 2746 W 13th Ave, Denver, CO 80204

The event is *FREE* to attend and open to the public.

Anise Hyssop Seedling
Anise Hyssop Seedling

Bringing plants to swap is encouraged but not necessary to participate. Our main goal is to educate our Metro Denver communities, and to encourage the growing of native, locally sourced, pollinator friendly species to promote sustainable landscaping practices in the parcels our communities steward.

We do need plants! If you’re able to bring native plants, please let us know what you're bringing ahead of time here and please be sure to label each one that you bring with plant tags or masking tape. Provide as much information as possible. List the common name, botanical (Latin) name, sun requirements (Sun, Part Shade, Full Shade), height, bloom color and moisture requirements (High, Moderate, Low, Dry/Xeric) if you know them.

**Please ensure that any plants you plan to share at the swap are grown free of chemicals to protect pollinator health: this means no herbicides, pesticides, fungicides or synthetic fertilizers. The bees will thank you! To protect our natural areas, we also cannot accept donations of plants that are listed as noxious weeds by the CO Dept. of Agriculture.**

Volunteer! We are also seeking volunteers to help with the event set up on 6/11/22, and day of event facilitation and breakdown on 6/12/22. If you are interested in signing up for a volunteer shift, please watch for upcoming information and how to sign up. Some knowledge of natives is good, but not necessary; we’ll have some expertise on site as a resource.




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