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Image by Cathy VanHeest


FREE WEBINAR: Permaculture for Pollinators, People and Planet

Webinar held on Jan 26, 2022, watch recorded webinar below:

Permaculture for Pollinators, People and Planet Webinar Class Description: Permaculture is a design science that uses nature as a model for creating resilient human systems. Join this introductory class to learn how to apply permaculture design to support pollinators, people, and the planet--in suburbia and beyond. We will use the twelve principles of permaculture to dive into techniques like rainwater harvesting, building healthy soil, forest gardening, animal management, and more, all in the context of supporting our local ecology.

Amy Scanes-Wolfe Boulder Permaculture Instructor
Amy Scanes-Wolfe

Bio: Amy Scanes-Wolfe is a teacher with Boulder Permaculture. After studying cultural anthropology at Middlebury College, Amy transitioned to organic farming for five years. She then served on the board of Ecovillage Charlottesville, worked at Harlequins Gardens Sustainable Nursery, worked and volunteered with Boulder County Parks and Open Space, and founded and ran an ecological landscaping company for two years.

Currently, Amy is the Community Outreach and Research Coordinator for Drylands Agroecology Research and runs a permaculture homestead in Niwot.



Idelle Fisher
Idelle Fisher
Jan 05, 2022

I'm excited to check this one out, I've always wanted to learn more about Colorado permaculture.


Jan 05, 2022

Sounds like a great introduction to permaculture in Colorado, thanks for putting this on. I just signed up!



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