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Coalitions are one of the many ways we collaborate with other groups, businesses, and non-profits to move the needle on pollinator conservation, ecosystem recovery, and public health protection.


We are proud to have co-founded the Colorado Environmental Health Coalition, Colorado Native Landscaping Coalition, and Colorado Pollinator Network, as well as to be members of the Cool Boulder Campaign and Regenerative Recovery Coalition.



The CEHC is working to build capacity and support for a coordinated toxics reduction strategy to protect people across Colorado from chemical toxics that are ubiquitous in our air, water, communities, and consumer products. 

We are leveraging the diverse expertise of this network of legislators, academics, health and environmentally-focused organizations, and agencies through education, research, and advocacy. Unfortunately, Colorado has few laws protecting people, wildlife, and natural ecosystems.  At a time when a toxic-free environment is critical to good health, particularly in disadvantaged communities, the CEHC is developing solutions and strategies to address this gap—interested in joining?



The Colorado Native Landscaping Coalition (CNLC) is a growing coalition of mission-aligned organizations working in collaboration to advance policies that will transform landscaping across Colorado.

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The Colorado Pollinator Network is a collaboration of organizations making a positive impact on the health of pollinators. We share best practices, research, resources, and knowledge to support education, habitat conservation, creation and restoration initiatives. 


Cool Boulder is a long-term campaign to create partnerships between the City of Boulder, the people of Boulder, and local partner organizations to implement natural climate solutions.

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Coalition members make a difference every day towards workforce development, the just transition to clean energy, regenerative agriculture and other projects that will advance a holistically regenerative future.


Backed by sales of the Colorado Pollinator License Plate, this Fund will provide small grants to community organizations, businesses, governments, schools, farms, tribes, public housing, and other institutions to develop, expand, restore, or protect healthy pollinator habitat.

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